Date Published 23 October 2023
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It has been celebrated every October for almost 100 years. ‘Pink October' is recognised around the world, with thousands of people adopting the pink colour and displaying pink ribbons to raise awareness of the importance of preventive steps and routine screening to spot early sings of breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer across the globe and the majority of us have been affected by is some way, so the importance of raising awareness cannot be understated. To help raise awareness, you might choose to wear pink, share information on social media, actively participate in Fundraisers or donate to charity. Our very own Charlotte Bourne & Kelly Mead are both doing their part to raise awareness this year and are each walking 100 miles this month to fundraise for Breast Cancer Now.
Charlotte & Kelly have both smashed their fundraising targets before the month has even ended, but it's never too late to do your bit and donate some more for this fantastic cause. If you would like to donate, please follow Charlotte's ( and Kelly's ( Just Giving links.