Date Published 01 May 2018
What a weekend we have in store this week! Firstly, the weather is going to be great, with highs of 22 Degrees Celsius predicted for London, we have the Royal Wedding taking place in Windsor and then to top it all off, we have the FA Cup Final straight afterwards.
The whole world will be tuning in to watch Harry and Meghan's big day on Saturday and whether you are making the trip over to Windsor, having a street party or simply watching at home with friends and family, it's time to head to the shop to pick up a bottle of Pimms and some Scones as it will certainly be a day to celebrate being British.
Once all the excitement finishes in Windsor, the attention will be heading over to Wembley where Chelsea and Manchester United will be battling it out for their name on the FA Cup trophy. The statistics show that Manchester United have won a fair few more FA Cup trophies throughout history but the odds on who is going to win this year are very even at the moment. Who is your money on?
Sunday is definitely going to be a day needed for relaxation after a Saturday full of emotions!
Whatever you are doing, have a great weekend and enjoy the sun!